Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tackling goats

Time to put the homework to practice. Things I learned:

1. Peaches' goats are big. I am small.

2. Lifting a goat incorrectly causes back muscles to tweak, pop, and slip.

3. I still don't like tackling goats, but I am better at it.

I went to Peaches' house Friday without my horse to practice flanking and tying the goat. First thing Peaches noticed was that my tie was all wrong. So I had to re-teach myself the correct way until the muscle memory overrode my brain waves.

(This is the technical stuff): Grab the rope and run straight. If the goat turns, do not chase it, just keep running to the end of the rope, blocking the goat's shoulder with your left knee. Flanking is next (picking up the goat and slamming it to the ground). Grab the left foreleg with your left hand and the flank with your right hand, rolling the goat up onto your thighs until the goat is on it's side, then drop the goat to the ground and come down on top of it, your left leg on it's right shoulder. With your left hand still holding on to the right foreleg,  sweep the hind legs in with your right hand, and hold all three legs with your left hand. Do not let go with your left hand! Then, tie (which is completely complicated and I won't even begin to write it out, because that is precisely how I learned to do it incorrectly-- by reading some website's step-by-step instructions!).

Then, take two Tylenols and drink a beer (or two) for dinner.

Above: The goat poses while Peaches and I snap photos.

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